Do I Really Need an AGENT to Rent my Home?
So many people who have purchased homes on Cape Cod for investment properties have made the huge mistake of thinking that they are qualified to rent their home to year round prospective tenants. ” I know people”….”I have a great intuintion concerning people”…..”How hard can it be to collect rent”….. ETC…..Well… ask them if they have ever spent time in court trying to evict a tenant… or if they have ever gone many months without rent because they could not say NO…..or how much it costs them to get rid of their last tenants…?
Do I Really Need an AGENT to Rent my Home?
I do not believe in going to a bank to buy a cake, or to a restaurant to get a Contracter.REALTORS specialize in their fields Sales…Rentals…Investments…vacation rentals… We know the rules…. Massachusetts is a tenant state and tenants know how to use the system to live FREE!!!!! We call them professional renters…..Landlords do not know how to deal with these people and always get in over their heads until it costs them thousands of dollars to get them out!!!! and some repeat this adventure many times before they let an Agent do what we do best…..TAKE CARE OF OUR CLIENTS INVESTMENTS!
Do I Really Need an AGENT to Rent my Home?
We screen tenants throughly… financial backgrounds…credit checks…references…bank statements…personal references…and Cory Checks ( Felonies or court situations or evictions). We have done this many times…over and over… and red flags are our forte….We know exactly what to look for and how to catch a potential tenant off guard if they say they qualify and we find out that they do not….BEFORE THEY MOVE INTO YOUR HOME….Check out the hundreds of Landlords and Tenants on our website… www.capecodusarealestate.com …. There are many forms that Massachusetts require Landlords to fill out…and we provide them for you… there is lots of important information that a Landlord and their insurance agency needs to know before a lease can be written…and we provide that information to you…
The guessing is over…….
Trust your intuition when it comes to a cake or a contractor….but when it comes to rentals…..TRUST Your REALTOR…..We have your best interest at heart and we will be with you through it all!